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Emitting an Executable

The commands zig build-exe, zig build-lib, and zig build-obj can be used to output executables, libraries, and objects, respectively. These commands take in a source file and arguments.

Some common arguments:

  • -fsingle-threaded, which asserts the binary is single-threaded. This will turn thread-safety measures such as mutexes into no-ops.
  • -fstrip, which removes debug info from the binary.
  • --dynamic, which is used in conjunction with zig build-lib to output a dynamic/shared library.

Let’s create a tiny hello world. Save this as tiny-hello.zig, and run zig build-exe tiny-hello.zig -O ReleaseSmall -fstrip -fsingle-threaded.

const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() void {
"Hello World!",
) catch unreachable;